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Approval of Registration of “TG-JL” Brand Grade-A Copper Cathode
SOURCE:ZHONGHAN INDEX    POSTTIME::2017-10-10 08:12:00     0 hits

This is an official response to your company’s Application for Registration of Copper Cathode and with respect to the Rules on Registration of Nonferrous Metals Products for Futures Delivery, following our field inspection, sampling and assaying, your company’s “TG-JL” Brand Grade-A copper cathode meets all requirements as prescribed in the Exchange’s copper cathode contract specifications. Given that, you’re hereby notified of the following:

I. We grant your company the approval to register the“TG-JL” Brand Grade-A copper Cathode with the Exchange.

Ⅱ. Since the date of issuance, the above-mentioned product shall be applicable to the physical delivery against the Exchange’s copper cathode futures contract. The product’s specifications are as below:

Registered Producer: Jinlong Copper Co., Ltd.

Address of Refinery: Tongling, Anhui Province

Product Name: Grade-A copper Cathode

Trademark: TG-JL

Nameplate: (as shown in the figure below)

Dimension: Approx. 1060*1030*10mm

Weight per Piece: Approx. 160kg

Weight per Bundle: Approx. 2,500kg

Minimum Warranted Delivery Size(25 tons):Composed of 10 bundles

Packaging Material: Securely bundled up in a parallel across manner using the 1×32 mm zinc-galvanized steel strap

Standard: GB/T467-2010


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